from meaningless search to meaningful search
Web 2.0 becomes fashion recently. Everybody talks about that and if you don't know anything about that it seems that you will be thrown away.
Flickr attracts a lot of attention. Folksonomy way to do Internet business spreads everywhere. Every Internet company attempts to become more tagging.
My opinion is, if a Web 2.0 Internet will really be presented in front of us, finally. That must be a meaningful search based Internet.
Don't you think that what makes Internet such vital is that it brings what we need to searchable? That's why Google has so much success.
But the kind of search we use today is not enough for mankind. We need meaning. A meaningful search engine and a meaningful search based Internet is necessary for next stage.
What is meaning? You search the guys near your living town that have simialr interesting with you. That's meaningful for you. Those guys are not relevant for him or her, but just for you. That's meaningful.
Computer don't know the meaning. At least it doesn't today. But mankind need to know the meaning. What I want to know is location that the pizza store nearest my office. Not all pizza stores. The people I have interesting to know are those love fantastic novels.
The most products users desire to see are that give more contronls to them to put meaning onto. So Flickr succeeds, because it gives power to users to tagging their photos using their words, their meaning.
Sometimes I hear people talk about the Flickr way. For me, that's way along meaning.
Oh! Too late for sleeping. I gotta to do other thing. Talk next time.
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