My Technology Review
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Monday, July 18, 2005
Podcasting White Paper: What You Don't Know About Podcasting Could Hurt Your Business.
Podcasting 作為一項商業公關利器。
Indeed job finding service.
之前已經提過 RSS 的可能應用之一:搜尋引擎加上 RSS feeds 支援。使用者將不用重複上搜尋引擎搜尋同一個主題的東西。新的相關資訊自動遞送到用戶桌面。
Related information is automatically delivered to users' desktop.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
MSN Shopping
Yahoo! Research Labs
Google's CEO lectured: Perspectives on the Information Industry
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Monday, July 11, 2005
Odeo 正式啟用了
Odeo service launched.
Odeo 是一個 podcasting 的 directory and folksonomy service,可以在上面訂閱、下載及錄製、發表你的 podcasting。之前只在測試階段,現在已經開放註冊,趕快去申請來玩玩吧。
Odeo is a directory and folksonomy service for podcasting on which you could subscribe, sync, recode and publish podcasting using the tools Oden provides. It was only in beta phrase before, but commences now. Go to sign up and have fun with podcasting.
MediaGuardian: Public provides new dimension to media coverage,
A new world of media.
Weblogs prove their worth
The experience of a BBC correspondent blogging G8 summit. And the Technorati service's collapse.
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Google SMS Service launched in US and UK
繼 Yahoo! 釋出 SMS 搜尋服務後,Google 也不落人後,在美國、英國兩地開始 beta 版的 Google SMS 服務。
有興趣的人可以玩玩線上 Demo for US、Demo for UK。
Yahoo! launched new RSS search site. But it seems just on test purpose and soon was pulled down.
RSS 搜尋是下一個搜尋引擎主攻的目標。
RSS 搜尋開始有點資訊媒合的味道了。搜尋引擎幫使用者找到所需 RSS feeds,然後使用者加以訂閱,接著新的資訊就會自動遞送給使用者。
Yahoo launched SMS search service.
搜尋引擎的多角化經營是必然趨勢,mail service、personalized search...都是讓搜尋引擎觸角向外延伸的策略。只要有資訊需求的地方,搜尋引擎看來就會想盡辦法將版圖擴張到那裡。
Friday, July 08, 2005
UDN 數位文化誌的一篇文章認為微軟將於 IE、Longhorn 提供 RSS 支援,將使各 RSS reader 面臨終結。
其實就像有 Firefox、Thunderbird 的出現一樣,我倒覺得不需要太擔心這一點。雖然 Apple 的 Safari 早就內建了 RSS 支援,但我還是喜歡用 NetNewsWire Lite,因為它好用。況且 browser 跟 RSS reader 的使用習慣並不相同,這也是為何我不用 Safari RSS function 的理由。RSS reader 的使用習慣其實說起來會跟 mail client 比較像,所以在 Windows platform 上,我會用 Thunderbird 來閱讀 RSS feeds。
反之,微軟宣稱將支援 RSS 這件事,從另一個角度看來,倒可以看出微軟窮於追趕網路層出不窮的各項標準上的窘態。稍微熟悉網路技術的人都知道,RSS 並非多嶄新的技術,已應用多時,甚至更已發展出如 podcasting 等應用。以微軟這樣的牛步,當一項新技術出現,都得花去數年時間方得以併入其產品線,不禁讓人替其產品未來捏把冷汗。過去網路普及未如現今蓬勃,使用者對新技術的得知週期太長,微軟的速度還能夠追上新技術的出現,但如今,網路寬頻化、通訊技術使用率與涵蓋率廣,即使對技術不甚熟捻的一般使用者,也能透過人際網路、通訊網路等管道,在短時間內得知新技術的應用。而微軟產品卻無法即時追上這樣的技術浪潮。
這也就是為何開放源碼能在短時間內延燒全球。因為使用者不再願意忍受痴痴等待這些所謂的大廠牛步推出新版產品的速度。使用者需要即時可用的應用軟體,當 RSS 出現,使用者不想等四五年 IE 改版後,才能享受這項技術帶來的好處。開放源碼、自由軟體能比這些大廠,以更迅疾的速度推出可用的應用軟體。想想看,不僅是 RSS,Blog、Podcasting 等技術的情況都是一樣。
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
about spec
Next step for RSS it is inevitable that vendors build more features they want on the RSS spec. However, that makes RSS not simple ever.
For mobile devices, RSS is still a valuable technique for conveying information. I don't exactly know whether there's any standard like RSS in mobile area. If not, RSS could become subscription tool for handheld device to transmit information.
Monday, July 04, 2005
RSS for advertisers
In the radical condition there're sites used to carry only RSS feeds instead of html pages. The kind of sites play the role of conveying information to subscribers. That sounds a bit like mail list. In the mode information senders don't need elaborate web pages or a whole site to support their needs. What they want are just push-pull mode of information. They provide information to people they need that.
For advertiser it's also a good news. Why? Imageing the mode of newspapers subscription. Intentional readers are more valuable for advertisement because that improves efficiency of advertising. You don't need put your advertisements forcefully on browsers that have no desire to your advertisements and get a adverse effect you don't want to result.
continuing to talk RSS
I thought something about the information mode of the Web.
In early days of the Web there're just few sites on the ground. It's not difficult to trace those sites all for updating information. Little by little sites grow in exploded speed, search engines arise over the Web as center of information. The search engine is a required phrase for information space like the Web needed to handle the complexity of information growth. If not, the exponential proliferation of information will soon rerail the way.
RSS will be the next phrase of a information space.
Users need a specified passageway to catch portion of information space that they're interesting a lot and filter trivial part for them.
RSS will take the place of the role the Web plays originally. And the Web will become much like a framework of new application in aid of techniques like Ajax and Web Services.
one of my noticed technologies: RSS
Organized from technology presses RSS is one of my most noticed technologies. I guess that the form of the Web will accelerate toward two distinct ends rapidly. The Ajax technology will push the complicated applocation to sprout more and more on the ground. To be honest some certain applications like maps need more complex mechanism to achieve.
But in another end users are desireing for simpler tools to collect and integrate diverse information located in various places as a whole landscape to digest.
RSS is emerging for that intention. And it works well so far.
Like the early time of the Web it's just untimely to say how far RSS could reach. Enterprises start try to make RSS useful for them in either profitable way or not. At least we know RSS is good choice for communicate with public like customers or supplies. In fact RSS is just a mode of subscription such as your daily newspaper. But what makes it powerful is the possibilities of use under technology enhancement.
If we see a search result as an information source why not we identify a valuable searching outcome as a RSS feed and users could order that persistently. In auction situation, seekers would like have a RSS about what they're interesting like RSS of iBook, RSS of iPod being used for not more than 1 year, etc. Thus users don't need browser web everytime when they like to check whether something they desire occurs on the auction list. You know that's time wasting.
In more detailed and more complicated way search engines maybe integrate information to fit RSS readers' need in advance. Engines that remember read history of users could filter what's readed and what's new for certain readers.
Ok. the post is too long and I need to leave for dinner. Stay tuned.
intent of this blog
I've not bloged for a not short time. Due to annoying chore of cleaning spam everyday I gave up hosting a blog by myself. Noticeing blogger service I start to think that maybe I could set up another blog but not involving into the mess of hosting. Like now, I spent a few minutes and a blog settled.
English isn't my mother tongue. I come from Taiwan, a island located in west Pacific Ocean. I purpose using English and Chinese simultaneously for blogging. That benefits my English writting as another profit of the blog.
Here I will write thoughts about technologies and related trends and development. Hope it'll be advantageous to you.